Crystal Enhancements Origin Story

Scott working in his workstation

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It All Began With Dayana!

When a student misbehaves there is usually a reason, and it is up to the teacher to figure out what is behind their actions.  Miguel was one such case.  Turns out he had a younger sister Dayana at home, age 7, who had been born with severe medical complications.  I become close with the family and we stay in touch even after Miguel leaves my class.

Several years later Dayana’s gastrointestinal issues have gone from problematic to the extreme, and she is spending several days a week in the hospital.  The Doctors are sending them off on a Make A Wish Trip to Disneyworld… and have told them to be prepared that she may not make it.

Sean and I are sending her healing, and it is bouncing back! So, he reads her blueprint—it is not in her blueprint that she came into this life to die as a child. We need another way, where healing can be accepted without eliminating the lesson that the soul incarnated into this life to learn.

Sean spoke with his Angels and guides, and they said that the healing could be put into crystals, with more consultation the method was disclosed to Sean, and a sample Rose Quartz was created for Dayana.  The first Enhanced Crystal for healing.  It was delivered to Dayana and she kept it with her always.

In the next 4 weeks, she did not go to the hospital once! The Angels and Guides who gave us the method asked that we figure out the natural energies of crystals, and, with their guidance, enhance them to help the multitudes.  Here we are.

And by the way, it has now been almost 5 years, Dayana is 12.  She has had a few hospital visits, however, none at all since the Pandemic started!

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