Sheen Obsidian with Opalite Amulet

Amulets are made with the Guidance of Guides and come to us with a magical touch. If you are looking to walk the path of your true self, and willing to face whatever stands in the way with honesty and fortitude, this Amulet is for you. Every crystal is enhanced and aligned to your energetic signature for smooth and easy integration.

Color: Black with a Golden Sheen, Clear Opalescent, Copper Wire


Sheen Obsidian with Opalite Amulet


Obsidian: This stone is a very strong protector from both inside and outside forces. It will bring the cause of the distress out into the open, and is not the choice for the faint-hearted. If you don’t really want to deal with an issue, Obsidian is not the best choice for you. A strong lover of the truth, it will bring untruths out into the open to be examined and dealt with directly. The darker the color, the stronger and less gentle this action will be.

Golden, Sheen Obsidian: Allows for the acquisition of unbiased information pertaining to the root of the problem. It aids in feelings of self-confidence and the ability to locate pathways towards one’s true desires.

Opalite: This is a stone to harness and increase your personal power, boost your self-esteem, and improve your sense of self-worth. Opalite opens spiritual communication, not only stimulating visions and enhancing psychic powers but also helping to interpret the messages received. This stone will also help to keep a healthy balance in your male and female energies, in your light and dark aspects, in your active and passive emotions, and in your daytime and nighttime energies.


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